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Can Hypnobirthing be used for a Caesarean?

Wondering if your hypnobirthing course will only work for a natural birth?

Its a misconception that hypnobirthing can only be used for a natural pain relief free birth. This really isn’t the case. Hypnobirthing is about creating a positive birth experience. Asking questions, understanding what you’re consenting to. Owning your birth is a fundemental part of the process. Trusting your body and being heard during pregnancy and birth. Having a caesarean or an induction doesn’t mean that you can’t use hypnobirthing.

I’ve often heard women say ‘lucky we didn’t do that hypnobirthing course. It would have been a waste of money as I had a caesarean’. This really isn’t the case as hypnobirthing teaches you to be in control. So if your birth did mean a caesarean was recommended you and your partner would feel calm and in control. Not stressed out by the being told that a caesarean was needed. Which again I’ve heard a lot of women and birth partners say that’s how they felt.

Positive caesarean births

I recently had the pleasure of working with two ladies who’s births took them down a caesarean birth route. The outcome for both was positive births. Both expressing how much they felt hypnobirthing had supported that outcome. Coincidentally these women both gave birth on the same day.

As part of my teaching I will always encourage expectant parents to think about the unexpected within their birth proposals. So in the eventuality of a caesarean they have their wishes respected from their birth proposal. This way should their birth go down that route they feel they still had a positive birth outcome. Having what was important to them. For example – skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, the drip not in their dominant hand. Its often that clients say to me they wouldn’t have even considered what they would want if they had a caesarean.

Client testimonial – low risk to high risk

One of my clients, who I started working with in February of this year opted to do a hypnobirthing course due to her fear of birth. She’d been recommended to me by friends that I’d also taught. It’s always lovely to receive recommendations.

After our first session together Ali sent me a lovely message expressing how she felt so much more relaxed even after just one session. This was music to my ears. We had four successful sessions together ending in April. Our last session together felt very emotional for me as the change i’d seen in Ali was amazing. Gone from being fearful to excited about birth.

I had a call from Ali and her husband as she’d gone from a low risk women hoping to use the birth centre to developing a rare form of pre-eclampsia. A rare form develops in around 1-2% of women. It had been decided the next day she would be induced. We spoke about how the hypnobirthing would help keep her relaxed, trust her body. Reminding them both of the techniques to use that we had practised during the sessions.

I waited the next day in anticipation of hearing any news of babies arrival and it came that afternoon. Due to my Ali’s platelet levels continuing to drop after our call the evening before it had been decided a caesarean was required. She’d given birth to a beautiful baby girl. With permission to share these are her words about her birth.

‘Hi Ali, I am still in hospital as I developed a rare form of pre eclampsia last Tuesday resulting in the c section. Our baby is perfect and just lovely so I hope I can get well enough to get us both home soon! 

Although the c-section was stressful we actually found it all so calm – I’m sure due to hypno. Since then I’ve had a lot of hospital stuff happen which I would’ve usually been scared about but have taken in my stride. Again I’m sure due to feeling relaxed and in control. It’s a shame I can’t use it to treat my condition!

Thank you for your time and the course and, although a hypno water birth was furthest from what actually happened, I think having spent months visualling meeting my baby – it made the whole experience really positive.

Interestingly several midwives came to see me regarding the birth. They had all read my hypnobirthing birth plan and thought I may be very disappointed/get the baby blues as it wasn’t what I wanted. I actually feel really happy about Lexie’s birth and so proud of myself- regardless of the way she arrived. I think hypnobirthing has just made me believe that I grew a healthy baby, my body did the best it could and in the end there was no alternative.

Ali’s words in her final paragraph are so poignant as she feels proud of herself and happy with the birth outcome. This is what hypnobirthing teaching is all about positive birth experiences.

Client testimonial – breech position

I started working with Louise at 36 weeks. Louise was considered high risk throughout her pregnancy having gestational diabetes being one of the reasons. As she was high risk she was unable to use the natural birth centre at her local maternity unit West Middlesex Hospital.

Louise still wanted to have the most natural approach to her birth regardless of the interventions she knew she was highly likely to come up against due to medical reasons. She knew about hypnobirthing from her sister and wanted to incorporate it into her birth. We spoke at length about how hypnobirthing can be successfully used for induction and caesarean. I wanted Louise & Edd to feel as prepared as possible for either of these birth outcomes therefore tailoring the course for their needs.

Due to the baby being in breech presentation and Louise knowing due to her circumstances that it wasn’t advisable for her to go beyond 40 weeks in her pregnancy Louise had elected to have an ECV (external cephalic version) at 37 weeks. This is to try and turn the baby into a head down position. We spoke how the breath work, visualisations and relaxations could help Louise during this procedure.

Louise had also been trying all the recommended natural approaches too. Moxibustion, accupuncture, yoga, exercises, inversions and now her hypnobirthing techniques. Babies will choose the best position for them. So for some being in a breech position is the right position.

Thankfully West Middlesex were able to support Louise with their caseloading Daisy team midwifes. Caseloading means they aim to provide care with the same midwife throughout a woman’s pregnancy – pre and post natally. Evidence shows that women who have consistency of care during pregnancy have more positive birth experiences. Therefore this team were able to support Louise through her choices and reassure her.

After the ECV at 37 weeks didn’t work, Louise was booked in at 38.5 weeks to repeat the procedure. This time if the procedure worked she would then be induced or taken in for a caesarean. I had spoken to Louise before her ECV so i awaited her news. I was delighted when I received news of her beautiful baby boy arriving. With permission to share her words and wonderful photograph.

‘Introducing our baby boy, who arrived yesterday morning. Determined to enter the world bottom-first, he was born via elective c-section which was a very relaxed affair. He was born at 38.5 weeks and weighs in at 8lb 7oz so I think he is fully cooked. We’re all pretty tired but he seems quite chilled about life so far. He is amazing! Xx

This photo pretty much sums up the c-section vibe. Your support and advice was central to making it this way, thank you so much! Xx’

The imagine Louise sent me and is featured on this blog spoke a thousand words. This family looked completely relaxed having skin to skin. Not stressed, anxious or upset by the birth outcome. Such a positive birth experience even though it wasn’t they way Louise had originally imagined it to be. Given Louise and I met at 36 weeks she then had her baby at 38.5 weeks. Within 2.5 weeks her mindset had changed about how birth could be.

There is also another beautiful picture of Edd having skin to skin posted by the Daisy team.

Interested in booking a hypnobirthing course? What to know more?

I offer weekend group courses at The Heart, Twickenham as well as evening weekday courses at Gymboree, St Margaret’s.

I teach private hypnobirthing courses in Barnes, Cobham, Hampton, Isleworth, Kew, Kingston, Richmond, St Margaret’s, Surbiton, Sunbury, Teddington, Twickenham, Walton, Whitton and surrounding areas.

Pregnant at the same time as a good friend? I offer the regular group course price of £295 for 2 or more couples but in the comfort of your own home.

So to find out more about hypnobirthing  or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

Can Hypnobirthing be used for a Caesarean?

Summer Promotion for Group Hypnobirthing Course in Twickenham

Looking for a weekend group hypnobirthing course in Twickenham?

Hypnobirthing Mumma is delighted to offer a weekend group hypnobirthing course in Twickenham this summer. Held within the tranquil space that is The Heart. Regularly the cost of a group course is £295. As a summer promotion this course is priced at £200 per couple.

My reasons for using the Heart is that I’ve had the pleasure of spending time here myself whilst undertaking the British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course at The Heart. I found it a truly relaxing space away from the hustle and bustle of life.

Course dates and times

August course – Sunday 5th & 19th August from 10.00 – 15.00 at The Heart

I don’t overfill courses as I want everybody to be able to ask questions and fully immerse themselves in hypnobirthing. To ensure this is the case I only teach a maximum of five couples per course. This group size allows me to get to know you all individually.

What would I get out of a group Hypnobirthing class?

This group hypnobirthing course in Twickenham is a 10 hour modern approach to antenatal education. A great way to learn all about hypnobirthing and also to meet other local expectant parents in the area. I often meet expectant parents who may be new to the area wanting to meet local parents in the area. A group course offers you the opportunity to meet friendly faces who share the same outlook on birth as you do.

An environment where I encourage you to share your thoughts around birth with like-minded people. Many of which have heard about the benefits of hypnobirthing for Mum, Dad and baby and want to learn as much as possible.

As a class I encourage us all to meet up once all the babies have arrived for a Postnatal Reunion.  This is held during the daytime in the week. An opportunity for mum, baby and of course Dad if he is free to meet and talk about your experiences of birth and early parenting.

The benefits of Hypnobirthing

  • You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes women refer to their birth being pain free.
  • Length of labour is often much shorter with hypnobirthing births.
  • The need for drugs and intervention is reduced, which allows your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive.
  • Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.
  • Mums often bounce back quicker after a Hypnobirthing birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced.
  • Hypnobirthing babies tend to show less distress during birth, are often very alert after birth and calmer babies.
  • Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience.
  • Hypnobirthing gives you a voice to ensure you are an active part of any decision that need to be made during labour.

Interested in booking a hypnobirthing course? What to know more?

I offer weekday group hypnobirthing course at Gymboree, St Margaret’s as well as weekend courses at The Heart, Twickenham.

I teach private hypnobirthing courses in Hampton, Isleworth, Kew, Kingston, Richmond, St Margaret’s, Surbiton, Sunbury, Teddington, Twickenham, Whitton and surrounding areas.

Pregnant at the same time as a good friend? I offer the regular group course price of £295 for 2 or more couples but in the comfort of your own home.

So to find out more about hypnobirthing  or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

group hypnobirthing course in twickenham, group hypnobirthing course

Essential Oils in Pregnancy & Birth Workshop

Using essential oils in pregnancy, birth and beyond

I’m delighted to be hosting workshops around using essential oils for pregnancy and birth with Livia Maddison of Happy Baby, Happy Me. We are excited to share with expectant parents how essential oils can be used in pregnancy, birth and beyond. The workshop will allow you to prepare for the birth of your baby in a nurturing, relaxing and informative 2 hours. Our intention is for people to feel relaxed and leave the workshop feeling more knowledgeable about birth and the options available to them.

Essential oils can be used for all types of births. They are an holistic approach to help manage labour regardless if you’re hoping to achieve a natural birth, are having a cesarean, if your birth leads to induction or an unplanned cesarean. Essential oils can really help calm women in all types of birth scenarios.

Livia & I trained together through Aromatherapy for Childbirth – a course accredited by the Royal College of Midwives. Upon completing this course it’s fair to say we both left feeling really inspired and wanting to share our knowledge.

What will you learn about?

  • We will focus on 5 key oils – Clary Sage, Frankincense, Lavender, Mandarin & Peppermint
  • How you can use these oils – alternatives to placing oils directly on the skin
  • Massage techniques that can be used by birth partners incorporating the oils
  • How we can use these oils during pregnancy and post birth
  • How responsibly sourced organic oils can help with many elements of childbirth including:
  • Fear
  • Calming mental chatter
  • Nausea
  • Relief for strong surges (contractions)
  • Increase strength and frequency of surges
  • Creating a dream space
  • Relaxation
  • Helping a birthing mother to let go

My personal experience of essential oils during pregnancy

The use of essential oils in pregnancy and birth can be very beneficial to women when used correctly. I was lucky enough to experience this first hand with the use of aromatherapy treatment. This was offered to me through my hospital, West Middlesex Hospital when I was pregnant with my first son. When I reached 40 weeks i was offered aromatherapy and reflexology treatment to encourage spontaneous labour. This was the first thing suggested to me rather than a medical induction.

Oils are great to use during those early stages of birth and can help you manage labour at home for longer. I used essential oils during my pregnancy and home birth of my second son earlier this year. It was great to know I was able to use these as I needed to.

Essential oils & Hypnobirthing

As a hypnobirthing practictioner I understand how essential oils compliments the hypnobirthing courses I offer so well. It’s an holistic approach rather than using traditional pain relief options. Many couples I teach are looking for these alternatives to start with rather than reaching for the medical pain relief immediately. The massage techniques you’ll learn are simple techniques to give gentle relief to pressure a labouring woman may be experiencing. Alongside techniques that could help relax a woman in the first stages of labour.

The use of essential oils are a great alternative for women who may be allergic to pain relief options such as pethidine or other opioids, such as diamorphine and less frequently used Meptid. Oils can offer an alternative to these women who would like to have pain relief options available other than an epidural.

Purchasing essential oils

We will explain to you the importance of essential oils being sourced responsibly when being purchased. Using 100% organic oils a necessity for pregnant women. We shouldn’t be tempted to buy cheaper oils that aren’t organic or sourced responsibly. We will be able to recommend where you can purchase safe and organic oils.

How to book a space on one of the workshops

Our Essential Oils for Pregnancy & Birth workshops are hosted at The Heart in Twickenham and we welcome you to come along with your birthing partner or on your own.  The workshops are being held on:

Saturday 7th July – 09.30 – 11.30

Saturday 11th August – 10.00 – 12.00

A couples space is £30 – this is for one pregnant woman and a birthing partner. Individual spaces are priced at £20.

Bookings are being taken now for both workshops and spaces are limited so booking is essential. To book your your space get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

Interested in booking a hypnobirthing course?

I teach private hypnobirthing courses in Hampton, Kingston, Isleworth, Richmond, Teddington, Twickenham, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton and surrounding areas.

I also offer group courses and I’m taking bookings for my upcomimg courses in Twickenham this June, August & October. So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – i’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

FAQs is labour painful top five tips for labour Group hypnobirthing course in St Margarets Group Hypnobirthing Course in Hampton Hill 20% discount on hypnobirthing courses essential oils in pregnancy, birth & beyond

My Amazing Hypnobirthing Home Birth

My Home Birth Story

On Saturday 24 February 2018 @ 17.15 we welcomed Jack Ross Coleshill into the world. It was an amazing experience. Reinforcing to me why I’d been right to trust my instinct and have a home birth. I’d had amazing support from my midwife Kay. I’d been lucky enough to have Kay for all my appointments apart from one. Kay was so supportive about home birth this too made me confident in my decision.

I think i’m in labour…

I’d not slept amazingly well the night before but unlike my first pregnancy this time round I hadn’t been sleeping great. I suffer from terrible indigestion during pregnancy right from the word go but this time round it was even worse. Causing me to wake several times a night. I didn’t think too much of not sleeping great but I was a bit achy which made me think it could be the early stages of labour.

Even though I suspected labour I went off to my lovely pregnancy yoga class, held by the fabulous Muriel who runs MuMuYoga. Just perfect a yoga class to put me in a truly relaxed body if labour was imminent. It was a lovely class although I did notice a few of the positions I was finding uncomfortable reinforcing to me that something was going on. This didn’t stop me going to meet one of my best friends, Kelly for a coffee and pastry though after yoga! In hindsight I wish i’d had a full on lunch!! Kelly did look slightly alarmed when I turned up and said I think I might be in labour. Kelly was the first person I said to that I thought it was happening.

The drive home after my coffee was slightly uncomfortable. My breath work came into play for the tightenings. My son Oliver had stayed with his Grandparents the night before so I went to collect him as in my mind I wasn’t sure how many hours it would be before established labour. When I arrived he was fast asleep so I left him and drove home. I’d not said I thought I was in labour as didn’t want to panic them nor be told I shouldn’t drive home! As soon as I knew I was on my way home though it was amazing how the body responded. I just wanted to be home as the tightenings felt stronger and I labour was happening. I was excited to meet my baby and hopefully have my home birth.

The real deal

I got home just before 2pm and the moment my husband Jamie opened the front door my whole body relaxed and that feeling of ahhhhh I’m home came over me. My safe place. I said to Jamie I’m in labour. As you can imagine he looked slightly surprised seeing as I’d been out and about! Jamie got to work inflating the birth pool we’d hired and getting it filled. He called my parents to ask them to keep hold of Oliver as I was in labour. They must have been thinking we only saw her 20 minutes ago!

From the moment of getting home my surges came on very quickly. I was anticipating a build up and had been told to call the hospital when I was having 1 surge every 5 minutes. This never happened for me they came straight in at every 2 minutes lasting around 40 – 49 seconds. I had been recommended a TENS machine which worked as a great distraction tool. I used this as soon as I could as I’ve heard a lot of women say they tried to use it too late.

Call the midwife

Jamie put a call in to the labour ward and two midwifes, Komal and Lisa arrived at around 14.30. They explained they were in the area but due to go off duty at 4pm but wanted to make sure I was okay. I wanted to be examined and was around 5/6 cm dilated – music to my ears. As I was in established labour the midwifes said they would stay until my assigned midwife, George, came on duty at 4pm.

The midwifes, Komal & Lisa were amazing. Lisa was a trainee midwife and was fantastic. I was her first home birth. I’m an advocate of trainees so delighted she got to experience my home birth. When Komal & Lisa arrived they filled me with confidence immediately. They told me that Kay had briefed them on me as she thought I may go into labour that weekend when she wasn’t on duty. This filled me confidence in my team as I felt they knew me already. It also made me feel very cared for that Kay had taken the time to do that therefore further increasing those oxytocin levels.

Being at home allowed me to not seek permission. I trusted my body and being in my own environment was just amazing. I stood up through all of my surges and used my breath work as it gave me the most relief. I’d wanted to be as active as possible during labour but my body took over and didn’t allow me to be anything other than active.

Birthing in water

George arrived not long before I wanted to get in the water. Immediately I felt a connection with George which was great. At this point Komal & Lisa could have left. They decided to say as Lisa had never been present at a home birth. Lisa facilitated most of my birth and she was brilliant. Even though I had 3 midwifes present I never felt that I was being observed. They were totally respectful.

I couldn’t wait to get in the pool. It must have been for around the last hour I laboured in the pool. The warm water felt amazing. The water taking my weight. The feeling of buoyancy allowed me to be active and move around as needed. This part of my labour passed very quickly. I never had a steady transition phase. I went from breathing through surges to feeling like I had an overwhelming urge to push. In my head I knew I had to use my breath work rather than push and to go with my body. Through every surge I kept my body relaxed, not tensing my face and using my hypnobirthing down breath which gave me a great focus.

Jamie was a great support as were the midwifes. Personally I like interaction during labour and encouragement and was looking to them to know all was okay. I can remember asking them a couple of times was I doing okay. My midwifes were so respectful of hypnobirthing that it threw them slightly when I wanted to talk.

It got to a point when in my head I thought I can’t do this anymore. I knew this was a positive though and birth was imminent. I felt my waters go at a similar time which was a strange popping sensation! It was at this point that Jamie asked me if I wanted any gas and air. He must have sense the change in my demeanour. So for the last 10 minutes I used this along with my visualisation. Jack was born very quickly it almost felt like he was born in one go. My midwife did agree that there wasn’t much rest-bite between the head and the rest of his body!

My birth plan had requested that the midwife bring the baby out of the water. I know that it must be magical bringing your baby up but I felt happier that the midwife did this for me. We all forgot this was the plan though so after a few seconds Jack appeared. Jamie announced the sex of Jack and we were very pleased Oliver had a brother.

Jack was very calm when he was born and has continued to be since. Hypnobirthing babies tend to be calmer babies who sleep and feed well. Jack is a stereotypical hypno baby like his brother i’m pleased to say.

Post birth

Just after Jack was born the official second midwife arrived, Zoe. She too was lovely immediately making me feel at ease.

My midwifes set up my bedroom for me where we moved to once we were out of the pool. The beauty of a home birth climbing on to you own bed! I had requested delayed cord clamping which was done followed by a physiological third stage to deliver the placenta. This took 50 minutes. I had had a managed third stage with my first birth so I’m pleased I’ve got to experience both now. In enables me to give a well rounded view of both to clients.

Transfer to hospital

I did have to be transferred to hospital after birth as I had a tear that Zoe wanted assessed upon her examination. This didn’t upset me as I’d been lucky enough to have had my home birth. Its policy that women are transferred by ambulance but as I wasn’t high priority I had a lovely couple of hours in my bed with Jack. The paramedics were lovely when they arrived and transferred me. George came with me in the ambulance and was lovely to chat to on the way. She was amazing during my examinations at the hospital and stayed with me the entire time.

I wasn’t upset or disappointed that I had been transferred as after my tear was sutured I knew I could go home. Once I had been sutured I was given the choice to stay over night at hospital as I’d have to come in for Jack’s post birth checks the following day anyhow. I decided against this as i’d wanted a home birth to be in the comfort of my own home after birth. It was so amazing getting back into my own bed and waking up there.

Reflecting on my experience

It was an incredible feeling to have birthed in my own home. I’d recommend it to any low risk woman. Its wonderful to be able to describe my birth as amazing. A word that people are often surprised that I use to describe birth especially those who haven’t had a baby before. Birth truly is amazing and I wish every woman could achieve a positive birth experience. I’m lucky to have the pleasure of working with many women to help them achieve this.

My team from West Middlesex Hospital were beyond fantastic – midwifes truly are angels in disguise. I felt very lucky to have had a relationship throughout my pregnancy with one midwife. They then ensured that Kay did all my post natal visits too. I know Kay was disappointed to have not been on duty when I went into labour. It was a sad day when i had my last post natal appointment with Kay.

My tips

Don’t tell everybody you’re planning a home birth

Unfortunately there is still a lot of negativity around home birth even though the stats show for low risk women its a very safe way to birth. So I decided not to shout it from the roof tops that it was my plan. This way I put no pressure on myself nor have to listen to any negativity about why would you do that when we have hospitals. Normally the negative comments aren’t supported by fact either.

Ignore your due date!

I’d been very chilled during my first pregnancy – taking not much notice of my hospital due date. I worked with the dates I believed were more accurate which meant that 40 week milestone to me actually wasn’t 40 weeks. I continued this approach with my second pregnancy. Having this attitude I believe really does relax the body and calm the mind. I carry on my day to day life as normal as where the mind leads the body will follow. Being stressed about a due date isn’t going to encourage babies arrival – baby will arrive when baby is ready.

Trust your body

I wasn’t at all stressed during labour as it is a natural process. Being in a relaxed body keeps that uterus relaxed and the body not being stressed doesn’t cause it to produce adrenaline. Trust your birthing body.

Write an easy to read birth plan

I used The Positive Birth book to write my birth plan. My midwifes took the time to read my birth plan and respected my wishes throughout.

Ensure your birth partner either contributes to your birth plan or reads it. You want them to be on board with your wishes. My midwifes commented afterwards what an easy to read birth plan it was. I’d highly recommend using a visual birth plan.

Want to know more about how Hypnobirthing can help you through pregnancy and birth?

I teach private hypnobirthing courses around London and Surrey. Areas include Chertsey, Hampton, Hillingdon, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, Sheen, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham, Weybridge, Windsor.

For my group courses I’m taking bookings for June course in St Margarets. So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

My amazing hypnobirthing home birthMy amazing hypnobirthing home birth

My amazing hypnobirthing home birth





Group Hypnobirthing Course in Twickenham

Looking for a group hypnobirthing course in Twickenham?

Hypnobirthing Mumma is delighted to offer group hypnobirthing courses in Twickenham. Held either in the heart of St Margarets, Twickenham at Gymboree or at the tranquil space that is The Heart in Twickenham.

I’ve had the pleasure to spent time at both of these venues hence why i’ve chose to host courses there. Whilst on maternity leave with my first son at Gymboree which my very own Hypnobaby loved and I had the pleasure of doing a British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course at The Heart.

Course dates and times

June course – Thursday 7th, 14th & 28th June from 19.00 – 21.30 at Gymboree

August course – Sunday 5th & 19th August from 10.00 – 15.00 at The Heart

October course – Saturday 20th & 27th October from 10.00 – 15.00 at The Heart

I don’t overfill courses as I want everybody to be able to ask questions and fully immerse themselves in hypnobirthing. To ensure this is the case I only teach a maximum of five couples per course. This group size allows me to get to know you all individually.

The cost is £295 per couple.

What would I get out of a group Hypnobirthing class?

Joining this group hypnobirthing course in Twickenham is a great way to not only to learn all about hypnobirthing but also to meet other local expectant parents in the area. I often meet expectant parents who may be new to the area who want to meet other parents to be in the area. A group course offers you the opportunity to meet friendly faces who share the same outlook on birth as you do.

An environment where I encourage you to share your thoughts around birth with like-minded people. Many of which have heard about the benefits of hypnobirthing for Mum, Dad and baby and want to learn as much as possible.

As a class I encourage us all to meet up once all the babies have arrived for a Postnatal Reunion.  This is held during the daytime in the week. An opportunity for mum, baby and of course Dad if he is free to meet and talk about your experiences of birth and early parenting.

The benefits of Hypnobirthing

  • You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes women refer to their birth being pain free.
  • Length of labour is often much shorter with hypnobirthing births.
  • The need for drugs and intervention is reduced, which allows your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive.
  • Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.
  • Mums often bounce back quicker after a Hypnobirthing birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced.
  • Hypnobirthing babies tend to show less distress during birth, are often very alert after birth and calmer babies.
  • Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience.
  • Hypnobirthing gives you a voice to ensure you are an active part of any decision that need to be made during labour.

Interested in booking a hypnobirthing course? What to know more?

I offer the group hypnobirthing course in Twickenham. I also teach private hypnobirthing courses in Hampton, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, St Margaret’s, Sunbury, Teddington, Twickenham and surrounding areas. So to find out more about hypnobirthing  or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

group hypnobirthing course in twickenham

Can Hypnobirthing Be Used For All Types of Births?

Find yourself wondering can hypnobirthing be used for all types of births?

Yes absolutely hypnobirthing can be used for all types of births. Unfortunately sometimes hypnobirthing can be stereotyped as a hippy type course. It’s only for a natural birth with absolutely no pain relief. This really isn’t the case. People have pre-conceptions about it saying oh no that’s not for me when they don’t realise the theory behind it. It’s about understanding the birthing body and the science behind it. If we know how it works the easier we can work with it rather than against it. Keeping our stress hormones down and allowing the Oyxtocin hormone to flow around a calm body. We all know being calm is the best way to be in any given situation.

Hypnobirthing can be used in all birth scenarios. I’ve taught a range of clients who have used their techniques for whatever route their birth takes. Sometimes birth does take a different route to how you’d thought it might. This is where hypnobirthing is fantastic. It allows a women to feel she had control over the birth and was part of the decision making process. The outcome of this? A Mother who was happy with the birth outcome because she consented and understood why birth took this route. Rather than being panicked and anxious therefore agreeing to whatever was offered. The birth stories below all have this outcome. Hopefully they help alleviate any preconceptions you may have around hypnobirthing.

Hypnobirthing for a cesarean

“We had the c-sec on Friday and had a little boy. Bub decided it was a lot more comfortable head up right up to the end 🙂 We went with it and although it was very clinical and my birth plan was sidelined we still had a positive experience and he arrived safe and sound. We had amazing care and bub latched early on which is fab. Feeding has been bit of a challenge but it’s going well and my milk has come in so all in all it’s going swimmingly.

I’m sure because of the hypnobirthing and our attempt to approach it all in a calm and pragmatic wave. Recovery is going well and we’re settling in at home. I’m really mobile which is great and bub is super chilled. Thanks so much for you help and support along the way. You’ve no doubt helped us get off to a good start!”

Hypnobirthing for a home birth

“So turns out I am one of those in the 4% …. Our son arrived last night at 10pm after a pretty speedy labour. He was born at home and my husband just managed to get the pool inflated and filled in time! Our daughter slept through the whole thing and was delighted to wake up and discover her baby brother had arrived! He weighed in at 7lbs 9ounces and we are both doing really well. I know it’s not for everyone, but I would thoroughly recommend a home birth and delighted it worked out so perfectly for us.”

“What an amazing experience already! Baby arrived at 20.53 on Thursday evening. At home – not in the pool but with the most amazing people around me. Having a glass of champagne with the midwives and getting into our own bed that night! We have had visits form the home birth team since. My hypnobirthing breath came in for the early stages the final head push was touch and go but you sure dig deep!! I feel good, mending so quickly.”

Hypnobirthing on a labour ward

“Thank you so much for your help and support throughout. As with most births, it didn’t go quite to script but we still did our best to deploy the hypnobirthing techniques we’d learned with you, I think in particular in helped my husband, which allowed him t help me!

I had a sweep midday Friday (they were inducing on Monday) and I got contractions and broken waters by early evening. I managed to get to 7cm at home on my own before arriving at UCL at 2.30pm desperate for the gas and air and the water pool. I’d found the contractions intense, so much so I’d not kept my fluids up and when I arrived was severely dehydrated and the baby was finding the contractions fast and intense. We were rushed into the labour ward, I got my gas and air, but that’s all I needed and ‘Biscuit’ was born unaided within 2 hours of us arriving! So not the birth plan, but a great result! Thank you so much.”

Hypnobirthing techniques for an ECV (external cephalic version)

“We had a successful ECV last Friday to turn the baby, which wasn’t the most enjoyable thing in the world, but I think was good preparation for going into labour. I used my breathing and visualisation techniques during it, and the doctor was impressed with my pain threshold, which is good confirmation for me that they do work! I found a couple of the other things you said really helpful too, like it is important to stay relaxed to keep the baby relaxed, and that a hospital is an unnatural and unfamiliar environment, which I realised partly explained why I was nervous beforehand.

We have since managed to have a natural birth at the natural birth centre. We were very lucky that the labour itself was relatively straightforward. My waters broke at 1:30am, we then went to hospital at 1:00pm and our son was born at 8:13pm. Attending your classes definitely helped me to feel properly prepared, and to be positive and relatively calm, so thanks again for all your help!”

Hypnobirthing for natural birth

“Our daughter was born at 7.30am on the 31st December with the first contraction at midnight. I had her in the birth centre but things moved pretty fast they didn’t have time to sort the pool for me! It was intense but so glad it went that way as recovery has been quick and we took her home at 3pm that day! We are besotted.”

“I am absolutely convinced that everything we’d learnt and practiced in the months leading up to my son’s birth was forefront in my mind and helped me to get through the whole experience.

My first surges about 10pm I wasn’t quite sure if they were real or not to start with! So I went to bed as normal and at around 2am, they were still going very consistently so I knew this was it! I woke up my husband and got myself in to the bath. At around 6am and a lot of bouncing around on my birthing ball, we phoned the hospital and they told us to come in. It’s amazing how quickly the time has flown by at home and how calm it all was.

At the hospital, I was examined and told I was 2cm dilated. I later found out I was actually 4cm but the midwives could see I’d done so well at home already, they wanted me to carry on being as calm as I was! A few hours later I was in the birthing suite and the pool was being filled ready for me. I suddenly felt the urge to push and turned out I was 9cm!

We had our hypnobirthing playlist on the iPod, I was in the pool with just gas and air and everything was just super chilled. Two amazing midwives (one was a student), my mum and husband. We just seemed to chat lots and I floated about in the pool! Now I’m not saying that I didn’t feel any sensations because I absolutely did, however there wasn’t a part of me at any point that needed to scream and shout and I didn’t ever feel that I needed any more pain relief than the gas and air.

After a good hour or so of pushing, my little boy still wasn’t quite ready to make his appearance so I has to get out of the pool and get back on to the bed. 15 minutes later he was born and the feeling was just incredible. The most surreal moment of my life.

After he was born, both the midwives said what a really lovely experience my birth had been for them because it was so calm, happy and relaxed from start to finish. Funnily enough, when I looked back at my hypnobirthing notes, Alison has asked us both to write a list of what we wanted our birthing experience to be and what we didn’t want it to be. It was pretty much exactly as we’d said we wanted it! Calm, chatting, relaxed, no intervention, water birth (almost!), laughter….My husband even got to tell me the sex of our baby, something else we’d both said we wanted to do.

Alison is still a good friend to us and I know she will be able to help so many more couples to have the positive birth experience that we had. My advice to everyone is to fully embrace it, stay positive and optimistic throughout and be open minded.”

Hypnobirthing for shoulder dystocia

“Labour had started at 6pm the previous day at after arriving at hospital at 6am. After being held in triage it was at this point I requested  an epidural. The gas and air they gave me helped but not enough. As soon as I got the epidural I felt so much better. From then on rested whilst I dilated to 10cm around midday.

The midwife then said I would need to start pushing. We started that but it wasn’t progressing quickly enough and they were worried about the babies heart rate. I then had an episiotomy and a bit of ventouse. Her shoulder was stuck (shoulder dystocia). I was very focused on my pushing and visualisations to notice the rush of people. This is where the hypnobirthing really paid off for me as I was not panicked in anyway at this point. I just really went into my zone of down breathing visualisations even though I was having to push. They managed to get the shoulder free and she was born safely! All was good!

So although it wasn’t what I had imagined and as I expected the epidural lead to more intervention. I still felt in control once I had the epidural. I’d done the safest thing for me and baby as I had felt I had lost control of my body. I still would use it for another birth and hope to be able to manage a labour with it if we have another baby! I had practised the breathing so much and the visualisations.”

Hypnobirthing for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)

“Thank you for the sessions. They really helped me prepare for the birth and made me feel much more positive and in control.

I had a gorgeous baby boy on 31st May and a successful VBAC birth that I wanted. I ended up being induced after 10 days using the cooks balloon method. After nothing happened they put me on the hormone drip. By this point I felt I lost my positive energy and fear took over again so I opted for the epidural. This was actually amazing for me as I only topped it up once. It calmed me down and allowed me to rest and get back into my hypnobirthing zone. I ended up in theatre at the end with vontuse delivery but this was fine. I felt in control through this. The main thing is that I had my VBAC birth and had a healthy baby. Your sessions really helped me to go through with having a natural birth. It kept me in my zone during the long induction process.”

Still wondering can Hypnobirthing can be used for all types of births?

I wanted to share the success stories of Clients I’ve worked with and the different birth scenarios. Hopefully it will help you make a decision to see how hypnobirthing could help you during pregnancy or your birth.

Hypnobirthing also works amazingly well for women who may have previously suffered a traumatic birth. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching many second time Mum’s. They wanted birth to be a different experience by feeling more in control. Allowing them to let go of the fear.

It works for Dad’s who may be very anxious having never experienced this before. I’ve had many Mum’s say to me how well hypnobirthing helped Dad to be calm and great birth partner.

For expectant parents who have been fertility treatment. With a medicalised approach to birth to begin with it allows them to have a calm approach throughout the pregnancy.

Want to know more about how Hypnobirthing can help you?

I teach private hypnobirthing courses around London and Surrey. Areas include Chertsey, Hampton, Hillingdon, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, Sheen, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham, Weybridge, Windsor.

For my group courses I’m taking bookings for April course in St Margarets. So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

Hypnobirthing classes in Twickenham pregnancy yoga can hypnobirthing be used for any birth

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga

Having fully appreciated the benefits of yoga and hypnobirthing the first time round with pregnancy it inspired me to want to train in both of these fields. So earlier on this year I had the pleasure of training with the amazing Uma Dinsmore-Tuli in pregnancy yoga. It was such an inspiring course especially when you’re in a  room of keen students some of which were pregnancy or there with their new babies breastfeeding whilst learning.

I do fully intend to share my learnings as a teacher once my second baby has arrived as I believe it compliments hypnobirthing so well. What it most certainly encouraged me to do was seek a great pregnancy yoga teacher for this pregnancy. I learnt quite quickly this pregnancy was going to be different to my first! My bump seems to be growing at the rate of knots.

My love of pregnancy yoga with my second pregnancy

With my first pregnancy my exercise regime didn’t change that much. I stopped doing any weights and around 8 months decided that I didn’t want to attend spinning classes anymore. But I carried on training, going to yoga and was in the gym the day before I went into labour. Fast forward 3 years and my gym sessions have changed.

Rather than hitting the gym or a spin class I do more yoga that anything now. Since falling pregnant I’ve found myself doing even more yoga. When I manage yoga 4/5 times a week I feel amazing. Unlike last week when life got in the way and I only managed it once! Life getting in the way really isn’t an excuse though as I know 10 minutes is better than nothing. Maybe I can blame Christmas sneaking up on me?!

I have continue to attend my regular class but unlike my first pregnancy I’ve become more limited with what I can do. Due to this ever growing bump! So I just have acceptance and do what I can and taking the alternatives offered to me. Admittedly I was a bit frustrated to begin with that I was more limited.

Being as active as possible that your pregnant body will allow during pregnancy is so important and will benefit you. Both pre and post-natally and not forgetting so much so during the labour. So to keep up my training is important to me. Yoga compliments pregnancy so well as encourages you to work your pelvic floor which is a must ladies! Keeping those core muscles strengthened to help you carry that growing bump and ease the back ache.

How I’ve found pregnancy yoga has benefited me

Attending pregnancy yoga classes is a breath of fresh air! Yippee I’m not the only one in the room with an ever growing bump. I’m not catching a glimpse of myself in a room full of mirrors. Importantly I came away feeling like I’d had a workout and stretched my sometimes aching body.

Training in pregnancy yoga has most certainly improved my discipline at home. Finding time to practice at home has become easier. I know that yoga is great regardless of your physical body mentally and physically. Being pregnant I find i’m more limited with the classes I can attend due to availability at times that work for me therefore forcing me to practice at home and it feels amazing.

I enjoy practising at home but its lovely being in a class as you get talking to the other expectant Mummas. Being with like-minded people who may be experiencing similar things that you are in pregnancy is reassuring. I’ve been able to share my hypnobirthing knowledge during classes too which has been wonderful.

I was keen to find a pregnancy yoga class that I still felt worked my body as my regular dynamic classes do. The classes I’ve attended have been fantastic. I’m lucky to have some great yoga teachers on my doorstep who have years of experience. With teaching hypnobirthing I have always said how it compliments yoga so well. I fundamentally believe these two practices work together in complete harmony. Its been great attending classes where teachers also understand the benefits of hypnobirthing and share that with the class attendees.

Being around positive vibes is good for your soul. I always come out of yoga beaming as I love the positive and noncompetitive environment. Pregnancy yoga leaves me feeling the same way. Being surrounded by women who are blessed to be pregnant is a lovely feeling.

Attending these classes has allowed me to be taught by fantastic teachers, Muriel Mueller and Nina Airey and be around like-minded people. Refreshing to be in a class of pregnant ladies who all support and reassure one another.

The benefits of yoga in pregnancy

I’d encourage anybody to attend yoga. Even if you’ve never done yoga before attending a pregnancy yoga class is suitable. Research suggests that practising yoga while pregnancy can help improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth.
  • Your body can feel more supported from yoga including helping ease any back pain you might be experiencing from carrying your baby bump around. Supporting the changes that are happening in a pregnant body
  • Helps tone the physical body, especially the pelvic floor, hip, and abdominal core muscles, in preparation for the birthing process
  • Works to connect with yoga methods around deep, mindful breathing which helps the body loosen and relax during labour
  • Women find they connect more with their baby when they attend a yoga class. They have that sense of relaxation and being present in that moment. Disconnecting from anything else going on in the outside world
  • Through stretching and toning your muscles yoga can help ease common pregnancy symptoms. These include back pain, nausea, insomnia, headaches, shortness of breath and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga encourages healthy blood circulation throughout the body. Combined with the deep breathing it can bring much needed oxygen to your baby and to your own muscles
  • Babies love the Om’s encouraged in yoga classes – don’t be afraid to use your voice you’ll certainly need to find it as a Mum
  • It’s also a great way to meet other expectant Mums

When I’m not practising yoga….

I’m busy helping expectant parents achieve the best birth for them. I offer group and private hypnobirthing classes in Teddington, Twickenham, Richmond, Kingston and surrounding areas in London and Surrey.

I host Birth Preparation Workshops with the lovely Triona who runs YogaBellies Richmond. A great way for expectant parents to get a taster of hypnobirthing and pregnancy yoga.

So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Keep in touch

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

Hypnobirthing classes in Twickenham pregnancy yoga

World Prematurity Day – 17 November 2017

World Prematurity Day

For those of us who are blessed to conceive its not to be taken for granted the struggles that can come with conception and birth. Fertility issues, IVF, miscarriage, still birth and premature births. It’s easy to not realise the journey that some families have been on. Sometimes a long journey before a baby is born too. For some pregnancy is going fine then the body decides to go into premature labour. To recognise this World Prematurity Day is a global movement to raise awareness of premature birth and to recognise sadly the devastating impact it can have on some families.

Friday 17 November 2017 marks World Prematurity Day. An opportunity to raise awareness about premature birth across the world. 15 million babies are born early every year across the world – that’s around 11.5% of babies born every year. A baby born early is pre 37 weeks. A baby born post 37 weeks is a considered  healthy time to arrive. Prematurity is often unpredictable and in most cases, unexplained.

Having a premature baby can be such an overwhelming, emotional and worrying time for parents. A baby being whisked away to a neonatal unit and not necessarily in the hospital you’ve given birth in. As parents you want to care for your baby as soon as they are born so its unthinkable how devastating it must be to not have that choice. Therefore knowing your baby is being taken to a Neontal ICU that can do their upmost to care for your baby is paramount.

The sad consequences of prematurity

Of those 15 million babies born prematurely every year sadly one million of these will not survive. Prematurity is the leading cause for death in children under five years old.

Thankfully in the past 20 years the care around premature babies has vastly improved and we need to continue to support that.

Every baby is a miracle and we can’t forget that. Pregnancy is a blessing and we can’t take it for granted. Pregnancy can be tough but we have to remember as hard as it can be we’re so lucky. The days when you have terrible sickness, trying to adapt to your new pregnancy body, not being able to do what you did as easily anymore just remember its not forever. Carrying a baby full term is a blessing.

Little Roo Neonatal Fund

My awareness of the World Prematurity Day has been bought to light by a friend, who’s now gorgeous healthy little girl was born 8 weeks early in 2016. Thankfully she was under the care of a nearby hospital to myself – St. Peter’s Hospital in Chertsey, Surrey who have an amazing neonatal unit. The family and their daughter received magnificent care. This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of local charity for the Neonatal ICU The Little Roo Neonatal Fund. This fund was set up in 2003 and continues to support babies, families & staff.

Working within the Neonatal ICU requires dedicated and specialist teams of highly trained nurses and doctors, available around the clock. St Peter’s is the only Level 3 Neonatal unit in Surrey with the appropriate staff, equipment, skills and experience to provide this highest level of ICU for the smallest and sickest newborn babies.

A stressful time for all but with the support of this amazing charity they were able to take there little girl home 5 weeks after she was born. This little fighter has grown into a gorgeous happy little girl and everything you expect a 19 month old to be. I know how truly thankful not only the parents but their family and friends were of the amazing support they received.

Without the set up of this charity in 2003 many families wouldn’t be able to receive the support needed.

The Little Roo Neonatal Fund raises money to provide support at St. Peter’s Neonatal Unit. To continue to offer the highest standards of intensive care for babies born in Surrey and further afield.

Let’s support Little Roo…

We need to continue with the support of these amazing facilities we have available to us in Surrey. Unfortunately none of us know if one day our baby may need their help or one of a family member or close friend. As an example a Neonatal ICU cot costs in the region of £80,000 to fully equip. With the support of the charity they have been able to purchase an ultrasound machine costing £60,000. Equipment to help babies breathe between £4,000 to £20,000 each. A breast milk pasteuriser costing £19,000 and devices for treating and monitoring potential brain injury at £20,000. These are significant amounts of money so as you can appreciate the charity really needs the continuing support.

Little Roo need the continued support to help provide additional and replacement specialist equipment. To be able to send staff for specialist training that the NHS cannot provide funding for.

Let’s help give premature babies the best chance of survival and quality of life by taking action on their behalf.

What can we do to help on World Prematurity Day?

We can make a donation to Little Roo Neonatal Fund. Every penny counts as they say to continue supporting the work they do. An easy way to donate is via Just Giving An easy and secure way of donating by credit or debit card.

You can donate by text by texting PREM15 £2 to 70070.

Wearing purple on the 17 November 2017 marks your support for World Prematurity Day too.

Raise awareness on Social Media – #WorldPrematurityDay #PrematurityIs

What will Hypnobirthing Mumma be doing to support World Prematurity Day?

I will be donating 5% of my takings to Little Roo from the 17 November – 16 December 2017 for any hypnobirthing course that is booked with me. So what more excuse do you need if you’d been thinking of booking a course to know it will also be helping a good cause too.

Want to know more about Hypnobirthing Mumma?

I’ve taught women who have experienced premature labour with previous pregnancies. I’ve been able to understand the emotions they went through with preterm. As to why they then choose to try hypnobirthing for subsequent births. Of course hypnobirthing can’t prevent premature labour but it can help expectant parents. Overcoming the fear associated around perhaps the week their previous baby was born, using techniques to stay calm and relaxed. Working through fear release.

I teach private hypnobirthing courses around London and Surrey. Areas include Chertsey, Hampton, Hillingdon, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, Sheen, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham, Weybridge, Windsor.

For my group courses I’m taking bookings for my November course in Hampton Hill in and my first course of 2018 the January course in St Margarets. So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

World Prematurity Day - 17 November 2017

Hypnobirthing Courses

Hypnobirthing Courses

When it comes to picking hypnobirthing courses it’s important it suits your needs. This is why I offer 4 different courses to cater for expectant parents needs.

  • Full private course
  • Essentials private course
  • Refresher private course
  • Group hypnobirthing courses

There are many different hypnobirthing methods and I teach the KG Hypnobirthing course. This is an extremely extensive and informative course offering parents some amazing nuggets of information, relaxation and visualisation techniques. The techniques learnt you can continue to use beyond birth to relax and calm you in many situations. I often find myself using the breathing techniques to bring me back to a place of calm! The classes are beneficial for all – Mum, Dad, birthing partner and baby.

Included in the cost and provided for all my courses are:

  • Course notes
  • The Hypnobirthing book by the founder of KG Hypnobirthing Katherine Graves
  • Relaxations for a Gentle Birth – Colour and Calmness downloads

How can hypnobirthing help?

Hypnobirthing can help you achieve a better birth. One that you feel in control of by learning how the body works. Understanding how if we’re stressed where it can lead to and how it uses energy levels we should be conserving. Using techniques that help stimulate endorphins through gentle stroking and massage. Listening to relaxations and believing in the power of the mind.

We don’t want to hold on to negative thoughts and with hypnobirthing we encourage you to let go of those. Release any of the fear and tension you may hold on to in the subconscious mind.

Hypnobirthing isn’t pain relief but it teaches you to understand how you can be in control of your birth and remain calm. Being calm is key because as soon as you become stressed the adrenaline will kick in. This is then when we start to see intervention, women’s contractions slowing down.

Learning the tools of hypnobirthing will mean you’re not left asking is labour painful? You’ll feel confident that you will be able to have a birth that you feel in control of and can manage. This isn’t just for a natural birth but any route your birth takes.

Full private hypnobirthing courses

Held in the comfort of your own home the full 10 hour course really allows us to work through the fundamentals of hypnobirthing and ensure we work through fear release.

We get to work through each section of the course in great details. For each section I allow 2.5 hours. This gives us plenty of time to work through all the relaxation techniques. Talk about your expectations of birth and any factors that you feel have a negative impact on you. It also gives birth partners who may not have had much knowledge on hypnobirthing previously to really feel like they can ask lots of questions. Sometimes questions come about after a couple of sessions so a full course really gives that opportunity to go over elements of the course.

Course Content

  • We will look at relaxation techniques that both mother, father and birthing partners can participate in
  • Breathe work and visualisations
  • Reducing fear
  • Understanding of the birthing muscles and important hormones we use during labour
  • Places to give birth
  • The importance of a fathers/birthing partners role during birth
  • Being confident to ask questions of your caregivers and have open communication
  • Induction and how labour can be used for other types of birth apart from natural births
  • The benefits of oils in labour and massage techniques
  • Having confidence around birthing
  • Birth stats and case studies
  • How we can try to prevent intervention during birth by reducing any element of fear around birthing and being confident in your birthing body
  • How we can’t hope for a ‘good’ birth we need to prepare for one
  • At the end of each session I will ask you to practice what we have learnt together. Throughout the course you will be using the relaxation techniques and listening/reading affirmations.

As your hypnobirthing teacher I will be available for you to speak to throughout your pregnancy to help guide you should you need any further support.

The cost of the course is inclusive of both parents. I also welcome you to invite an additional birth partner at no extra cost. Its so important that anybody who is present at the birth is there as support and on board with what you’re trying to achieve through hypnobirthing.

Course cost – £395

Essentials private hypnobirthing courses

The essentials course is a great alternative to the full course for those who are short on time. This could be because of numerous reasons such as its hard to find 10 hours in both expectant parents diaries; you’ve previously had a baby but would like to explore hypnobirthing in more detail this time – perhaps you read a book before but your partner wasn’t involved; you’re close to 40 weeks but keen to hypnobirth.

This course covers all the main areas of hypnobirthing but in a more intense way and I tailor the course to your needs. If for example, you’ve done a birth preparation course i.e. NCT I will leave out practical info such as hospital bags, contraction timings if of course you’ve covered this already. You certainly won’t end a course feeling you’ve not learnt all you need to know about hynobirthing it is just covered at a faster pace.

Course content

  • Fundamentals of hypnobirthing – taking us back to basics before birth became very medicalised
  • Working with our birthing bodies & the hormones that help us achieve the most efficient birth
  • The important role birth partners have for a hypnobirthing Mum. How they can help Mum achieve the best birth
  • Understanding how hypnobirthing can work for all birth scenarios. It’s about achieving the best birth for you. If it takes an unexpected route you still felt calm, in control & part of the decision making process
  • Understanding inductions & trying to encourage spontaneous labour
  • The benefits of oils in labour and massage techniques
  • You will learn a range of hypnobirthing techniques – relaxations, breath work, stroking/massage technique, visualisation to help you achieve a calmer and happier birth
  • How preparing for birth helps you achieve a positive outcome

I am concious of the pace we cover the course at so I always welcome clients to stay in touch thereafter. That way we can talk through anything that may arise.

Course cost – £250

Refresher private course

My 3 hour refresher hypnobirthing courses are designed for those who have previously done a hypnobirthing course. It doesn’t matter which hypnobirthing course as mine is designed to recap on the fundamental areas of hypnobirthing. This is to refresh memories not to teach them how to use hypnobirthing techniques.

The course is held in the comfort of your own home and held over 1 session. During this session we will recap on the following:

  • Birthing hormones
  • Relaxations techniques
  • Visualisations
  • The benefits of oils in labour and massage techniques
  • Natural and medicalised induction

Course cost – £150

Group hypnobirthing courses

For those parents wanting to share a hypnobirthing course with other expectant parents I host group hypnobirthing courses in Hampton Hill and Twickenham. Group courses give expectant parents the opportunity to meet other parents from in and around area. They are a really lovely way to learn about hypnobirthing.

The course is held over 3 evening sessions lasting 2.5 hours. A group course is a great way to feel part of an antenatal class but to get all the benefits of hypnobirthing. The course content is the same as my full private course.

I don’t overfill courses as I want everybody to be able to ask questions and fully immerse themselves in hypnobirthing. To ensure this is the case I only teach a maximum of five couples per course. This group size allows me to get to know everybody individually.

I am happy to accommodate group classes elsewhere should there be a group of you who would like to do a course together. This could be hosted in one of the groups houses and would be the same format as my group hypnobirthing classes.

Course cost – £295

The benefits of Hypnobirthing

  • You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes women refer to their birth being pain free
  • The length of labour is often much shorter with hypnobirthing births
  • The need for drugs and intervention is reduced, which allows your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive
  • Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended
  • Mums often bounce back quicker after a Hypnobirthing birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced
  • Hypnobirthing babies tend to show less distress during birth, are often very alert after birth and calmer babies
  • Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience

Interested in booking a hypnobirthing course? What to know more?

I teach private hypnobirthing courses in Barnes, Hampton, Hillingdon, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, Sheen, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham, Weybridge and surrounding areas.

For my group courses I’m taking bookings for my November course in Hampton Hill in and my first course of 2018 the January course in St Margarets. So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

FAQs footer image Hypnobirthing taster sessions richmond What is hypnobirthing NCT baby items Hypnobirthing & Yoga Birth Preparation Workshop Is hypnobirthing worth it Can I Use Aromatherapy Oils in Labour Hypnobirthing courses

20% Discount on Hypnobirthing Courses

Would you like a 20% discount on Hypnobirthing courses?

Looking to do a hypnobirthing course? Maybe you have flexibility around the hours you can do? Would really like to do the course but looking to reduce the cost of one?  I offer a 20% discount on hypnobirthing courses –  Essentials, Full Hypnobirthing & Refresher courses that are taken between the hours of 10.00 – 16.00 on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. To be eligible for the discount all sessions have to be taken around these hours and on the specific days.

Sometimes its a struggle trying to fit everything in when you’re pregnant and time starts to speed up! Before you know it those first 12 weeks that took more like 6 months to pass are a distant memory and you’re in your third trimester. But did you know that even if you work on a Tuesday – Thursday during the hours of 10.00 – 16.00 you’re entitled to take antenatal classes during work hours? Hypnobirthing qualifies for this as its an antenatal course in the same way you’re able to take midwife and hospital appointments during work hours.

Where are the courses held?

The Essentials, Full & Refresher hypnobirthing courses are held in the comfort of your own home. So no need to travel anywhere you can just remain in a relaxed environment at home whilst I travel to you.

How can hypnobirthing prepare me for a better birth experience?

When it comes to our birth experience we aren’t aren’t always encouraged to treat it in the same way as any other memorable occasion in our life. Such as engagement, marriage, buying a house.  Why are we put off investing in educating and preparing ourselves for birth? We can’t just hope for a good birth experience we have to prepare for one.

Some people are put off by the cost of a hypnobirthing course. I often have parents say to me I’d like to do it but there is so much more to pay out for when you’re having a baby. This of course is very true. They are weighing up is hypnobirthing worth it. Preparing for a new arrival can become very costly. But what we can’t put a price on is an woman’s birth experience. A bad birth experience can haunt women for life. It can lead to post natal depression and consequently put a woman off having another baby. Even women who had planned to have more than one child stop at one after a negative experience.

Hypnobirthing prepares expectant parents for a birth they can feel in control of and approach in a calm manner. Understanding how the body works during the birthing process is a vital part of a calm birth. The more we understand the birthing body the easier it is to work with it. The more educated we are on birth the better prepared we are. Knowledge is power after all.

Interested in booking a hypnobirthing course? What to know more?

I teach private hypnobirthing courses in Barnes, Hampton, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham and surrounding areas. All of which are eligible for a 20% discount on Hypnobirthing courses.

I also offer group courses and I’m taking bookings for my November course in Hampton Hill in and the January course in St Margarets. So to find out more about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing classes get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

FAQs is labour painful top five tips for labour Group hypnobirthing course in St Margarets Group Hypnobirthing Course in Hampton Hill 20% discount on hypnobirthing courses