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Can you have a positive birth with an Induction?

A positive induced birth story

I had the pleasure of teaching an old marketing colleague of mine back in April. It was so lovely to be contacted by Kate. Seeking my advice and for some help with her second pregnancy as she was potentially facing an induction.

Having developed gestational diabetes late on in her pregnancy – something that I see affect so many healthy and fit pregnant women. Kate decided she needed to help overcome the fear as she felt the panic setting it at 37 weeks. The talk of a big baby and induction was taking its toll. Kate said she was feeling a bit terrified.

Of course reading this I was keen to help Kate and Oli as much as I could. We found the time we needed and set upon the course. I felt confident with the teaching that it would help them both.

Can you use hypnobirthing techniques for an induction?

Hypnobirthing techniques can be used for all types of births. There’s not one birth where the tools and techniques of fear release, keeping calm can’t come in to play.

When I work with clients where we are focusing on a specific type of birth I tailor it completely. So in Kate & Oli’s instance as well as looking at the relaxations, understanding what the induction process looks like we spoke about how we could try and get the body to be as relaxed as possible to encourage spontaneous labour. What we can do to change our birth environment with an induction.

Induction Day

I knew when Kate was due to be induced. I’d been thinking about her leading up to it and we’d been in touch. So I can’t tell you how completely overjoyed I was when I received a gorgeous message 4 hours after Kate had given birth. Accompanied by some beautiful pictures.

24 hours later Kate had then sent me this beautiful birth story. With permission to share to hopefully ease the fear that other women facing an induction might be feeling.

The birth of a Nell

I just wanted to drop you a note to say a huge thank you for transforming my birthing experience.

Baby Nell was born naturally and in a calm environment on Friday. It was everything we could have wished for. I am certain this wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t tried hypnobirthing.

We decided to try hypnobirthing after a traumatic first birthing experience and a surprise diagnosis of gestational diabetes with our second baby. As my due date approached I was feeling really anxious and out of control. I was being told I would likely be induced. Not allowed on the midwife led unit and had a large baby – all of which terrified me!

Despite trying absolutely everything to get baby Nell to make an early appearance she was just too happy in my tum. So at 40 weeks I went in for an induction but thanks to our sessions I went in feeling excited to meet our baby and informed. I knew exactly what was going to happen and I knew my options.

Unfortunately with an induction you get placed on an antenatal ward and this one was particularly lively! I was induced at 1pm and started having contractions at 10pm.

The ward was a stressful place. I could hear mums in active labour delivering babies. Bed neighbours who weren’t courteous of noise. Emergency alarms and lots of crying newborn babies.

What I learnt from you is that once on the induction path, you don’t get off it. In order to labour naturally I needed peace and a calm environment. So amongst all the chaos – we created a nice environment in my bay. We had sound cancelling head phones and I spent the night contracting in peace cuddled up with Oli with a vile of clary sage. I felt calm and in control.

Around 7am I was moving in to active labour – but the timing coincided with builders outside drilling and the ward waking up! It was a very stressful environment and I could tell I was getting anxious as my contractions started to slow. 

Oli and I decided to leave my bay. We found a quiet corner in the maternity wing where I was alone and unobserved. I only went back when I started to feel the need to push, the matron immediately trusted me. She knew I was ready and moved me to a private room, examined me and offered me the birthing suite immediately in the natural birth centre. Something I didn’t think would be possible because of my GD). Two hours later, our gorgeous baby girl was born in the pool amongst two fabulous midwives, music, candles and a very calm mum!

Without having the awareness to create that early safe environment I am certain the pessary would not have worked. Before hypnobirthing I would have allowed the ward to stress me out. I am sure I would have probably ended up needing more drugs to get labour started.

The whole thing was over in 12 hours. I had the support and trust of the midwives because they knew I felt in control. As a result, they took me seriously.

I really hope this is a useful story for other Mums. What could have been another unpleasant experience was actually incredibly special. It was all due to a shifting mind set.

You’ll also be pleased to know that just like in our sessions, the relaxation techniques sent Oli straight off to sleep!

Thanks again for everything. We’re so over the moon to have our girl here with us (who coincidentally wasn’t big at all!).

Want to know more about how hypnobirthing can help you?

I teach private hypnobirthing courses and offer Doula support around London, Surrey & Berkshire. Areas include Chertsey, Hampton, Isleworth, Kingston, Richmond, Sheen, St Margarets, Sunbury, Surbiton, Teddington, Twickenham, Weybridge & Windsor.

Do you have a Pregnant Pal? I offer the £325 group course price for 2 or more couples but in the comfort of your own home.

To find out more about hypnobirthing, doula support or to book your hypnobirthing course get in touch.I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog, FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

Can you have a positive birth with an Induction?

My Doula Journey

Becoming a Doula

I’d been thinking about being a Doula for quite a while. I’d had clients ask me if I was a doula. Told how they’d like to have had me at the birth. It felt like a very natural progression to the hypnobirthing teaching. I get to build lovely relationships with my clients. To then be present during one of the most wonderful moments of a woman’s excites me.

Since having had my first son birth has fascinated me. I’m far too squeamish to be a midwife. How could I ever take bloods at a woman’s booking in appointment?! But a Doula I could certainly do that.

What does a Doula do?

A doula isn’t medically trained. That’s not to say you don’t get midwifes, doctors, nurses training to be doulas. A Doula’s role is to give continuous support to a birthing woman. To Mother the Mother as women can get forgotten about during birth. Support physically and emotionally. Nurture, encourage but not to make decisions for. Not to give advice but to signpost so a woman can be as informed and knowledgeable about her birth. To be unbiased, listen, support.

A Doula doesn’t replace the birth partner, the midwife, obstetrician but there as part of that woman’s team.

It’s a big role for a birth partner sometimes being the only person in the room with a birthing mother. Some birth partners want support in that room as they worry will they be enough for that woman. Will they be able to cope with this new role that they will need to take on. For birth partners where a Doula is present they worry less about what they need to do which therefore relaxes the mother and birth partner.

My Doula Training

I undertook my doula training with Birth Bliss Academy and loved every moment of it. The long intense days don’t feel that way when its something you are so passionate about. Being in a room with 12 other women who all want to help women achieve the most positive and empowering birth experience.

Women from all different walks of lives. Some of us mothers others not but all with the same end goal to support pregnant women. It was a truly amazing environment to be in. It also shows how there is a doula for every woman you just have to find the right one for you.

Once completing the course and the post-module coursework this has allowed me to go on to find a doula mentor so that I can offer my services as a mentored doula to pregnant women under Doula UK.

Why have a doula?

Research supports that by having a doula at your birth it can:

  • Shorten labour by up to 25%
  • Reduce caesareans by 45%
  • Use of pain relief reduced by 30%
  • The use of forceps reduced by 34%
  • Fewer signs of postnatal depression
  • Reduce anxiety in new mothers
  • Improve the breastfeeding journey

‘If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it’Dr. John H. Kennell

Looking at the stats above it really does reinforce this quote. To be able to potentially reduce many of the stress factors that often worry women during pregnancy surely seems sensible doesn’t it?

Interested in having a Birth Doula or just want to know more?

As a Birth Doula I cover most areas I can get to within an hour from Twickenham including Ascot, Barnes, Chelsea, Clapham, Cobham, Esher, Fulham, Guildford, Isleworth, Kingston, Putney, Richmond, St Margarets, Staines, Surbiton, Sunningdale, Teddington, Twickenham, Virginia Water, Wandsworth, Weybridge and Windsor.

I offer my Doula services on their own or coupled with my hypnobirthing courses.

To find out more about having a doula, learning about hypnobirthing or to book your hypnobirthing course get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me via my blog,  FacebookInstagram or Twitter to keep up to date with all workshops and events taking place.

Ali x

My Doula Journey