World Hypnobirthing Day – 21 March 2019

It’s World Hypnobirthing Day!

Happy World Hypnobirthing day to those of you who know what it is!

For those of you who are unsure hypnobirthing has become more widely known about in recent years. ‘What is hypnobirthing‘ it is still a widely asked question.  People can be mislead by the hypno part and confuse it with being in a hypnotic state which it isn’t.  Hypnobirthing enables a woman to work with her body which is designed to give birth. It allows a woman to release any fear and negativity associated with birth. Many women have been programmed to believe birth is painful due to the negativity surrounding us from a young age. Negativity can come from birth stories, TV shows, films etc. Hypnobirthing replaces this with a calm confidence about birth.

Hypnobirthing can help expectant mothers achieve a birth that they are happy with. One that makes them feel in control of the situation and the choices that they make. It helps fathers and birthing partners be part of the labour. Learning how to support you and a have an active role in the birth – sound good so far?

Women who use hypnobirthing technique often go on to say what a wonderful experience birth was for them. They can’t wait to do it again. These are words been used by women who associated birth with being painful. I am one of these women!

Can hypnobirthing only be used for a natural pain relief free birth?

It can help women not only through a natural birth but all types of labours. C-section, an induction or other forms of intervention mentioned or given. It gives women the ability to understand their choices. To have a voice and ask what their alternatives are. Having knowledge empowers you to do this.

I’ve taught a range of women who had breech babies, planned caesarean, emergency caesarean, premature labours, induction, gestational diabetes, low-risk to high-risk pregnancies. All going on to have very positive experiences, many of which i’ve shared as blog posts.

World Hypnobirthing Day can encourage woman who have used hypnobirthing for births other than straightforward natural deliveries that these tools and techniques can really help for all labours.

How does hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing works as it educates women on the birthing body. I’m often asked why doesn’t everybody get taught this. The answer is I don’t know. Why are we taught that birth is a physiological process. The same way the body digests food, breathes, gets rid of waste. There all physiological processes as is birth. By understanding how we can work with the birthing body, eliminating fear and building confidence birth in turn results in a calmer experience.

Fear causes stress and which you don’t want in labour. The stress hormone adrenaline discourages the love hormone, oxytocin. Which we want the body to be producing as a natural pain relief. It enables our muscles to work as they should to birth your baby. It teaches us to be able to go into deep relaxation and to use visualisation as a tool.  My visualisation was lying on a beach during both my labours….it was bliss! I wasn’t aware of all of these important hormones before I got pregnant. I was only introduced to them during my hypnobirthing course and I was totally enlightened. What are bodies actually work with us to birth a baby?!

How did I find hypnobirthing?

I’m an advocate of hypnobirthing as I was that terrified girl from a very young age who thought childbirth was totally unnatural. As soon as I conceived I knew educating myself on everything to do with pregnancy and labour would stand me in good stead once that day arrived.

I believe knowledge is power and hypnobirthing enabled me to have the tools to have a relaxed, calm and focused birth.  

Even when I had to be moved from the lovely natural birth centre into the labour ward I wasn’t fazed or concerned. I was confident in myself and my amazing midwife not to mention the support I had from my partner and my Mum.  When the labour ward team started to prep me for an epidural my hypnobirthing course had given me the tools to question my caregivers. I was able to tell the team I didn’t want to go to theatre and ask what my alternative was. Why would I when I’d done all the hard work?

I was able to ask what did I need to do for my baby to be delivered naturally, which he was albeit with a little bit of help very shortly after. My baby wasn’t in distress and nor was I so why would I be rushed to theatre unnecessarily? My baby boy was born in a calm environment and was very calm himself. I trusted my body and had been confident in delivering my baby successfully.

Since becoming a hypnobirthing practitioner I’ve gone on to have a second baby at home which was an amazing experience. It’s great that hypnobirthing is getting out there and having the word spread through celebrating it on World Hypnobirthing Day.

Let’s change the perception on birth

Unfortunately on the whole we do have a negative view of childbirth. It’s associated with being the most painful experience a woman can go through.

We only ever talk about the bad experiences. We don’t celebrate the good as who wants to hear a straightforward story? I do that’s who! I like to share my happy birth story with expectant mums who want to hear it. Since having a baby a new bug bearer of mine is others parents not only like to tell you how awful birth is they also like to tell you all the negatives of parenting. From how breastfeeding is so hard, the lack of sleep, tantrums, you’ll life will never be the same again need I go on?! Not how amazing it is becoming a parent and all the wonderful new things you get to experience.

So lets spread the word on World Hypnobirthing Day that hypnobirthing can work and celebrate the wondrous thing that birth is.

Happy World Hypnobirthing Day!

Ali x

World Hypnobirthing Day

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